Can Diabetes Cause Dental Problems?

Can Diabetes Cause Dental Problems?

Did you know that approximately one in ten Americans – around 37.3 million – have diabetes? And even more alarming, more than one in five people do not even know that they have the condition.  Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the body’s ability to...
How Nutritional Choices Affect Your Oral Health

How Nutritional Choices Affect Your Oral Health

From a young age, we learn that it is essential to brush and floss every day to have a healthy smile, but did you know that your nutritional choices also affect your teeth and gums?  The food that we eat and the drinks we consume all come into contact with our teeth...
10 Spring Foods That Are Great for Your Teeth

10 Spring Foods That Are Great for Your Teeth

Spring is coming, and we can’t wait for the sunshine that brings smiles. What makes us smile? Lots of things – but especially eating the right foods that boost your oral health. We put together our top spring foods that are great for your teeth.   You...