Located in Morgantown, West Virginia, The Landing Dental Spa offers you and your family a state-of-the-art dental office with a spa-like atmosphere. Our goal is to provide you with a healthy smile and make your dental experience as relaxing and comfortable as possible.
Dr. Heather Ayers, DDS
Dr. Carly Lemley, DDS
We feature amenities which will help your appointment be a more enjoyable experience.
- WiFi Internet Service
- Dental Chairs with Heat and Massage
- Personal Flat-Screen TV
- Soothing Spa Music
- Aromatherapy
- Warm Cloth to Freshen Up
- Heated Neck-Pillow
- Warm Blanket
What You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening
When looking through your holiday photos, you might notice that your smile is less bright than you...
Why Should I Have Regular Dental Exams?
While going to the dentist for an exam may not be the top priority for many people, it is...
How To Help Prevent Cavities
Cavities are one of the most common health problems and can occur in anyone’s mouth. The good news...
Download our free Complete Guide to Oral Health guidebook