Located in Morgantown, West Virginia, The Landing Dental Spa offers you and your family a state-of-the-art dental office with a spa-like atmosphere. Our goal is to provide you with a healthy smile and make your dental experience as relaxing and comfortable as possible.

Dr. Heather Ayers, DDS</p>
Dr. Heather Ayers, DDS
Dr. Carly Lemley, DDS</p>

Dr. Carly Lemley, DDS

Spa-like amenities

We feature amenities which will help your appointment be a more enjoyable experience.

  • WiFi Internet Service
  • Dental Chairs with Heat and Massage
  • Personal Flat-Screen TV
  • Soothing Spa Music
  • Aromatherapy
  • Warm Cloth to Freshen Up
  • Heated Neck-Pillow
  • Warm Blanket


Download our free Complete Guide to Oral Health guidebook



119 Shannon Drive
Morgantown, WV 26508