What Causes Crooked Teeth?

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

Sometimes, it can make us feel a little self-conscious if our teeth are overlapping, twisted or crooked. Even more so, when the teeth of so many models, actors and social media influencers appear to be “picture perfect.” However, most people’s smiles are not perfect....
Why are Soft Drinks Bad for Your Teeth?

Why are Soft Drinks Bad for Your Teeth?

Soda, pop, cola, tonic — whatever you call it, this beverage is a popular drink with many Americans. Even though soft drink consumption has somewhat declined in recent years, studies show that approximately half of adults in the United States consume sugary beverages...
Are Your Child’s Teeth Developing Correctly?

Are Your Child’s Teeth Developing Correctly?

Every parent has this question, ‘are my child’s teeth developing properly?’ Every child is different, and genetics affects the health and structure of your teeth and overall mouth. There are things that you can do to help your child’s smile...