Most of us have probably experienced a cavity or two within our lifetime. If you have, then you know how pesky and annoying they can become. However, while annoying, cavities are also a sign that we need to pay more attention to our oral health. Of course, we want our smile to be beautiful, but more importantly, we need to remember that oral health is connected to overall health and should be monitored for signs of wear and tear, just like anything else. Read on to learn more about how to get rid of cavities. 


A cavity is a permanent damage to the hard surface of your teeth caused by bacteria and decay in crevices or holes. Anyone can get a cavity, but people who snack often and tend to drink sugary beverages are at higher risk for developing one. If these damaged spots are not treated, they grow. As time passes, they become bigger and deeper and affect other layers of the teeth. Eventually, this decay can result in severe toothaches, infection, and possibly, loss of the tooth entirely. 


We all have our habits, and some are more prone to cavity development than others. Some unavoidable things like tooth location, old or young age and heartburn can result in cavities. For example, our molars in the back of our mouth tend to have more pits and grooves for food and bacteria to get stuck in, making them at a higher risk for cavities. Consumption of food and drinks high in sugar and frequent snacking put you at higher risk for developing cavities. Suppose you’re not doing the best job at brushing your teeth and keeping up with flossing; your risk level rises as well. 


If you visit the dentist regularly or start developing symptoms like a toothache or sensitivity, your dentist will treat a cavity. If treated early enough, you won’t need to go through extensive treatment, but the longer you wait, the more work your tooth will need. The extent of treatment ranges from being as simple as a fluoride treatment to being as intense as a root canal or tooth extraction. A fluoride treatment can help rebuild enamel on a tooth and reverse the decay that has started if caught early enough, but the most common treatment is a filling. A filling is a simple process that involves removing the decay and filling the area with a composite material to protect the weakened area. Other treatments include placing a crown on severely damaged teeth that are not damaged enough for a root canal or extraction. 


The number one way to prevent a cavity is through good oral hygiene! We’re sure you’re sick of hearing it, but brushing your teeth and flossing regularly is essential to oral health. If you are more susceptible to cavities, you can brush with fluoride toothpaste after eating or drinking or rinse your mouth with fluoride. A regular visit to the dentist can help you understand your tooth health and what you can be doing better. Drinking tap water is a great way to ensure you’re getting essential minerals and fluoride into your diet. And most importantly, avoid frequent snacking and sugary foods and beverages. A combination of these tactics will be your best plan of attack to prevent cavities! 


If you are prone to tooth decay and cavities, you should make sure to visit your dentist regularly. Checkups and cleanings are a great way to make sure you’re getting your fair share of dental hygiene and advice from a professional. In addition, The Landing Dental Spa would love to see you and help you keep up with that beautiful smile. 

Preventive dentistry aids in the avoidance of cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, gingivitis and periodontitis. During a dental visit, your dentist will also look for any early signs of oral cancer, decay or other problem areas. Therefore, we recommend that all individuals schedule regular checkups with their dentist, typically every six to 12 months.

Our dentists at The Landing Dental Spa care about your overall health and want you to have a healthy smile for years to come. If you would like to set up an appointment, give us a call at 304-594-2200 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!