Dentists often recommend artificial replacements for patients with one or more missing teeth, like dental bridges. Dental bridges, also known as fixed partial dentures, are permanent replacements that literally “bridge” or close the gap between missing...
Cavities are common, and many people need at least one cavity filling during their lifetime. However, when people hear “cavities,” many patients often feel fearful about this standard procedure and put it off, which will only lead to more dental problems in the...
Sometimes, our mouths are referred to as the “windows” to our bodies. Our mouths are called this because oral health, good or bad, can positively or negatively affect our overall health. As surprising as that may be, it’s essential to know that your...
Dental hygiene is essential for people of all ages. As the years go by, many adults may be surprised to discover that their oral care techniques need some adjusting too. During National Dental Hygiene Awareness Month, let’s get back to the basics and learn about...
You may think you know all there is to know about brushing your teeth, but learning to brush your teeth properly is not just something you just learn as a child. Brushing your teeth correctly is something that many of us as adults fail to do! Since childhood, your...
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